For many of us, the past two years have been full of stress and anxiety. Uncertainty and rapid changes have made it very difficult to adapt. And all of it is affecting us in so many ways; mentally as well as physically. It's even affecting the kind of relationship we have with food, physical activities and the way we see ourselves. And that's why it has become more important than ever to go inward, to upgrade our inner programs so that we can live happily and peacefully during this pandemic. There are so many practices and tools that you can use and today I'm gonna share one of them with you.
So, are you ready?
I'm sure by the title you already know what I'm sharing share. Yes, I'm going to share few positive affirmations in this post that I have specially written for the pandemic period. These affirmations (along with meditation, exercise and healthy food) will help you to cope up with the stress and anxiety that we all are facing during these tough times. Please feel free to screenshot these affirmations or copy them, recite them. Share this post with as many people as you can. Idea is to make each other feel better so that we can live better, and serve better. We all are in this together and this is my way of helping YOU.
Why Affirmations?
We all know that too much focus on negative experiences can quickly derail our mood, confidence, energy and ability to maintain a thriving mind. That's why it is so important to redirect and reframe our negative thoughts (or stressful events) when they occur. Positive affirmations are a useful tool to pull you out in those moments. And the best part is that you can use this anytime and anywhere. So, are you ready?
Affirmation: What's a affirmation?
It's a simple declarative statement that helps you focus on the positive and to affirm what you would like to be true. In simple language, it's a positive statement about how you want to be( how you want to feel). With positive affirmations you can train your brain to temporarily overcome its negative bias and focus on the positive. It's neuroplasticity in action, building new pathways in the brain through commitment and practice. Your positive affirmations can be gentle(or hard) challenge to see yourself and the world in a different, better light.
An affirmation is about you, hence it should start with "I'm" (a statement of being not a statement of becoming). It's a sentence, a positive sentence. We can make the active choice to be intentional about where we direct our focus and positive affirmation just by doing that.
And when you say or read the statement you have to believe in it fully and feel it fully in your body to reap maximum benefit out of it.
I know how hard it is to imagine a positive start of your day when things are not going right(during these tough times). But trust me, regular repetition of these affirmations encourage your brain to take them as facts. You can say these affirmations silently or as loudly as you want. You can visualize these affirmations in front of the mirror or you can write them in your journal. However, you prefer will work.
Affirmations for Covid-19- Reduce Stress During Pandemic
I'm Light.
I'm Love.
I'm Loved.
I'm Guided.
I'm Healthy.
I'm Powerful.
I'm Protected.
I choose to be Relaxed.
I choose LOVE over fear.
I Release all of my fears.
I embrace change lovingly.
I release all of my worries.
I welcome peace into my life.
I will focus on the things I love.
I'm grateful that I'm healthy and safe.
This can be hard and I can do hard things.
I have the strength to handle big problems.
I do not wait for my happiness I create it now.
I find deep meaning in the difficult times of my life.
I welcome peace into all my interactions with others.
I rise to overcome any challenges that come my way.
I will not stress over things that are out of my control.
No matter what the day brings I will be calm and positive.
Everything that I need today will be made available to me.
I'm the the Universe and God is within me and around me.
My body is strong enough to make me safe during this time.
Wonderful opportunities for growth are presented to me today.
I know how to solve problems to create abundance in my life.
I will use this time to cultivate even more gratitude for my life.
With every breath, I’m releasing anxiety and becoming calmer.
When I feel overwhelmed, I focus on my breath and I slow down.
I know how to pivot to positivity and gratitude when I am worried.
I choose to appreciate the good in my life even in difficult situations.
I let go of what I can’t control and focus on being a light in my world.
Joy and gratitude radiate through me and I inspire others to do the same.
I nurture my body and my mind with positive thoughts, healthy food and a lot of rest.
Read and rpeat these affirmations anytime you want. These affirmations will help you to reprogram your mind with uplifting thoughts!
I hope this post was helpful to you!
If it was, please don't forget to share your experience in the comments!
Have a beautiful day and Go manifest the Happiest Life of Your Dream!
Such a beautiful and important post during these testing times. Affirmation really work, I can second that. Keep sharing your light and positivity. Loved the post.