Bidding a Goodbye to 2018

Bidding a Goodbye to 2018- My Gratitude Journal of 2018

Gratitude is the wine for the soul. Go on. Get Drunk...Rumi
What could be a better way to bid a Goodbye to 2018 than being grateful for everything it offered us, right?

Well, I'm certainly doing that today. As they say "What consume your mind controls your life" so better practice gratitude. I'm someone who has been always grateful for the things I had and have in my life. And trust me, practicing gratitude regularly will transform your life, it will make your life more beautiful and you will feel more contented. It will lower your stress, make you bit calmer and will deviate your mind from negative to positive.

Even studies has shown that people who does gratitude exercises feels less stressful. And all you have to do is make a list of things that you are grateful for, whether it's people or things you have, goals or mile stones you have achieved or lessons you have learnt or positive events or something else just write them down on piece of paper or on your phone or laptop etc #whateverfloatsyourboats. I do it every once in a while (sometimes I write it on my journal and  sometimes on my phone or even on my insta story). Whether you choose to write a few sentences in your gratitude journal, or simply take a moment to silently acknowledge all that you have, believe me giving thanks can transform your life in so many levels.

You can do it once a year or once a month or once a week or even once a day, basically whenever you feel like you need to. Just start doing this exercise and you will thank me later.  I was such a different person a year ago, and each and every day of 2018 has taught me something and has made me a better person. And that's how it supposed to be for every person on this earth. We need to constantly work on ourselves to become better than we were yesterday. By practicing Gratitude you will gain clarity on what you want in your life; it will help you to know yourself better, it will also helps you to focus on what really matters. In short you will become a better version of yourself.

So, now without further ado let's get started with the gratiude journal 2018!!

My Gratitude Journal of 2018-The Year in Review

  • I'm thankful that through out the year we had enough of everything we needed.
  • I'm thankful for the fact that in the beginning of this year my sister could come to visit us. It was her first international trip and we had a lot of fun when she was here.
  • I'm thankful that in the beginning of the year we were ready to start a family and within few months I got pregnant. I can't tell you how happy we were when we came to know and our lives have changed for better since then. 
  • I'm grateful that 2018 taught me that what actually matters and what doesn't. It has taught me: to show up as my best self; to meet people where they are; to make my work a priority, to stop aspiring to sit at tables where I have to bring my own chair, squeeze in between folks, and repeatedly convince others why I should be there. I learned to build a new table. 
  • I'm grateful that I finally deleted my coupon website and old blog, got a vision for my blog and finally aligned everything in the right direction.
  • I''m grateful that I could work on my wellbeing; physically, mentally as well as spiritually. I became more ME than I ever was. 
  • I'm grateful that this year I became more conscious/aware as a human being and started doing conscious efforts to make the world around me more peaceful and beautiful.
  • I'm grateful that I could reach to next level of minimalism this year, which has made my life bit more peaceful.
  • I'm grateful for the fact that we could go on vacations together here in Thailand
  • I'm grateful that we could visit our families in India. Plus I'm grateful that we both have amazing big fat families whom we love the most.
  • I'm grateful that finally, I could let go all the things which weren't serving me.
  • I'm grateful that we as a couple came more close to each other. 
  • I'm grateful for each and everything we have in our life from people we love to everything else.
  • I'm grateful that we could help our families, whenever they needed any kind of support. 
  • I'm thankful that I could build a community through my social media and my blog. 
  • I'm thankful to everyone who has been a part of my journey in 2018 virtually, physically, emotionally or in any other way possible.
Basically, this is how I'm bidding a goodbye to 2018 by being grateful for whatever it has given me. What about you guys?

Have you ever practiced Gratitude Exercises ?
If so, share your thoughts in the comments!

I hope this post will inspire or help some of you guys!

Love & Light 

Vandna Tilkaan

Vandna is an avid blogger living in Thailand, devoting most of her time to creative writing and blogging since 2012.

Academically, she has done Ayurvedic Pharmacy, Post Graduation Diploma in Computer Applications and Master in English. Using her intuitive skills along with her own experience; as well as with her online expertise, she loves to help others in every possible way.

Categories you will find on her blog:
Mindful Living, Gentle Parenting, Holistic Lifestyle, Healthy Veg Recipes, Product Reviews and Travel etc. On her blog you will also find up-to-date information about blogging tips and tricks.

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She also work as Freelance Writer and Happiness & Manifestation Coach.
So, if you are looking for any of the above feel free to contact her.
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